Sunny Garden | Lucretia K | MetArt porn pic gallery
Lucretia sits in the lotus pose, facing us as she lays her head back and luxuriates in the warm rays. Leaning to her side she lies down on the grass, running her hands over her voluptuous breasts, circling her ripe red nipples, caressing the luscious curves of her thighs. Then turning over Lucretia writhes in delight, the earthy brown tones of her skin complemented by the vivid green of the garden, the full rounded perfection of her nude body framed by the luxuriant growth. She playfully retrieves her top and panties from the hedgerow, raising her arm up over her head as she hurls them further down the garden. The mood is quiet and contemplative; it's all natural light and natural poses with the camera and subjects facing into the sun, softening the tone and eliminating any shadow. No flirting or sexiness from Lucretia, this is pure innocent nudity and self-expression, which is how it should be for all women and girls: liberating rather than provocative and giving no sexual come-on; simply saying 'Yes, I enjoy taking my clothes off and living naturally.' Like many artists, painters and photographers who take an artistic approach to the sensuality of the female form, Peter James is first and foremost a lover, not a voyeur. He always seeks to treat the naked female as an inspiration, an embodiment of creative desire that is more about fantasy than fulfilment. Thus while he doesn't objectify the naked women whom he shoots, they certainly find the attention flattering and mutually erotic.
