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The flirty cutie sobs softly into the pillows, her hair swarming around her shoulders as she curls up with frustration. This is just the kind of reaction an alluring female specimen with an addictive sexual prowess would expect from a lucky male observer after having brought himself to an explosive orgasm fantasizing about her. It is, after all, in the very nature of beautiful girls that men get crushes on them and go crazy if they are too hot for comfort and thus beyond their reach, since that means there is no chance for intimacy, whether with an explicit offer on the brunette's behalf or through coaxing and cajoling. Her horniness clearly still building as she continues to run her fingers along her flawless form, Harenik manages a series of incredibly sexy poses as the cameras click. First, she presses her ankles down onto the soft surface next to her shoulders, with her knees spread wide apart and a slightly dizzy expression in her eyes. Then, she tugs down on her cheeks, making her gorgeous vagina even more noticeable, almost as if she were spreading it apart herself or spreading her knees extra-wide.
